Tuesday, January 22, 2008




Semester/Tk. : 1 / I


50% 10% 15% 25% ANGKA HURUF
1 Ana Maryani 80 80 65 76 76.75 B LULUS
2 Anggia Mardiana Wati 90 84 85 86 87.65 A LULUS
3 Annisa Setiyowati 90 93.5 90 84 88.85 A LULUS
4 Ari Widya Ningrum 80 84 65 72 76.15 B LULUS
5 Dera Artiana 80 84 95 84 83.65 A LULUS
6 Desi Fitriyani 90 84 75 80 84.65 A LULUS
7 Dewi Aryani Lubis 90 70 65 72 79.75 B LULUS
8 Dewi Mutamimah 80 93.5 65 74 77.6 B LULUS
9 Dian Retno Andri Astuti 90 77 65 70 79.95 B LULUS
10 Disdiyanti 90 80 90 82 87 A LULUS
11 Dwi Nuryanti 80 84 65 74 76.65 B LULUS
12 Eka Puji Astuti 80 70 65 76 75.75 B LULUS
13 Eka Susanti 80 87 65 78 77.95 B LULUS
14 Elva Lensy 80 80.5 75 72 77.3 B LULUS
15 Evi Susanti 90 70 95 74 84.75 A LULUS
16 Frischa Leonita P 80 77 80 76 78.7 B LULUS
17 Handayani 80 74 75 80 78.65 B LULUS
18 Hanik Sopianah 80 70 90 86 82 A LULUS
19 Hesti Ranita 80 77 65 78 76.95 B LULUS
20 Ika Nurpratiwi 80 70 70 80 77.5 B LULUS
21 Imroatus Sholehah 80 85 65 82 78.75 B LULUS
22 Ismawardeni 80 87 70 76 78.2 B LULUS
23 Laila Nurmala Sari 90 84 95 86 89.15 A LULUS
24 Leni Martina 80 75 65 78 76.75 B LULUS
25 Lia Saputri 90 85 70 80 84 A LULUS
26 Linda Pratiwi 80 80 65 76 76.75 B LULUS
27 Mareta Lili Armelia 80 85 65 78 77.75 B LULUS
28 Muzayanah 80 86.5 65 82 78.9 B LULUS
29 Nani Kurnia 80 85 70 84 80 B LULUS
30 Neneng Rosita 90 78 95 82 87.55 A LULUS
31 Netty Setia Handayani 75
70 65 74 72.75 B
32 Novempty 80 85 80 84 81.5 A LULUS
33 P Jerita Okta Dinanti 80 75 80 76 78.5 B LULUS
34 Pratiwi Nilamsari 80 75 65 74 75.75 B LULUS
35 Purwati 80 75 80 78 79 B LULUS
36 Rahma Mahesa Putri 80 85 65 74 76.75 B LULUS
37 Reni Kartini 80 90 65 78 78.25 B LULUS
38 Retno Dewi Tri Utami 90 80 100 80 88 A LULUS
39 Rini Astuti 80 75 65 78 76.75 B LULUS
40 Risa Susanti 80 75 75 76 77.75 B LULUS
41 Risa Yuliana 90 75 70 74 81.5 A LULUS
42 Rita Wati 80 75 95 82 82.25 A LULUS
43 Sherliani Simangungsong 90 85 75 76 83.75 A LULUS
44 Siska Nalia 80 85 65 78 77.75 B LULUS
45 Siti Lia Fatimah 80 75 65 76 76.25 B LULUS
46 Sri Widayanti 90 74 95 80 86.65 A LULUS
47 Sunariyah 90 60 65 74 79.25 B LULUS
48 Syilmi Warosa 80 93.5 80 82 81.85 A LULUS
49 Tati Anggriyani 90 60 90 78 84 A LULUS
50 Tiarma Purba 80 74 65 72 75.15 B LULUS
51 Tika Malindasari 90 85 65 82 83.75 A LULUS
52 Tri Handayani Setyowati 80 75 70 75 76.75 B LULUS
53 Tri Mila Martalia 90 85 65 82 83.75 A LULUS
54 Tri Utami 80 75 65 76 76.25 B LULUS
55 Tri Wahyu Handa N 80 85 80 72 78.5 B LULUS
56 Verri Dwi Masnaini 80 85 65 76 77.25 B LULUS
57 Violita Puspita Jayanti 90 77 95 76 85.95 A LULUS
58 Wiwik Dewi Alfiah 80 75 65 80 77.25 B LULUS
59 Yani Nurmila 80 87 100 88 85.7 A LULUS
60 Yuliana Titik Dwi L 80 80 65 78 77.25 B LULUS
61 Ria Novika 0 58 75 70 34.55 E TIDAK LULUS

Keterangan Nilai:

Metro, 24 Januari 2008

A : >= 81

Dosen Bahasa Inggris

B : 71 - 80

C : 61 - 70

D : 51 - 60

E : <= 50

Ahmad Syafii, S.Pd.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

AKBID WIRABUANA in Electronic Projects

Good Morning, Girls.
How's your life?
I'm very glad that you have a great motivation to carry on this electronic projects.

Here, you've got read some texts thoroughly and answer the following questions briefly; don't forget to send your answers to my email on: syafii.komet@gmail.com

Enjoy your study!


A woman who has heart disease is 50% more likely to die from it than a man who has it. Although experts can point to a number of possible explanations for this, the research on women and heart disease remains inadequate, says the new edition of a Harvard Medical School report, The Healthy Heart: Preventing, detecting, and treating coronary artery disease.

Even though men are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than women, about 38% of women who have a heart attack die within a year of the event, compared with 25% of men. And women are almost twice as likely as men to have a second heart attack within six years of the first.

The science behind the differences is unclear. These are some of the theories discussed in The Healthy Heart:

--Age. Women seem to become more vulnerable to heart disease only after their estrogen levels fall with menopause, and so they tend to suffer first heart attacks later than men. Advanced age may make it more difficult to survive a heart attack.

--Coronary micro vascular disease. This new diagnosis may apply to 50% to 60% of women, compared with 20% of men. These people have chest pain when they are active or stressed, but on angiography, their coronary arteries appear clear. Studies show that women with coronary micro vascular disease have a higher risk for heart attack or stroke.

--Inferior diagnosis and treatment. Some studies suggest women's heart problems don't receive the same attention as men's.

--Incomplete understanding of symptoms. Classic heart attack symptoms were defined based on studies on men. These symptoms don't always occur in women, which may delay diagnosis and treatment.


  1. What kind of the healthy heart?
  2. How many percent diagnosis may apply to women and men?
  3. What theories are discussed in the healthy heart?
  4. Who is the report of new edition?
  5. How many years do women probably have a heart attack?


WHO goal of the strategic approach is to increase awareness, commitment and action towards improving maternal and prenatal health in the region. This document will provide broad guidance to countries wishing to develop or update their own national and local strategies for the improvement of the health of mothers and babies.

This document aims to help policy-makers ensure safe pregnancy and childbirth through equitable and efficient provision of, access to, and use of, quality skilled care for all women and their newborn babies, with special attention to poor and vulnerable groups. The strategic approach depends on a functioning health system and requires a multi-sectored approach, because of the complex set of interactions between many factors that influence maternal and prenatal health outcomes.

This document is intended for a broad audience of policy-makers within government, international agencies, professional associations, non-governmental organizations and other institutions. It is work in progress and will be updated as and when new evidence becomes available or best practices are identified.


  1. What document contents will provide broad guidance to countries wishing to develop?
  2. When strategic approach depends on a functioning health system and a multi-sectored approach?
  3. To whom is document intended to?
  4. When new evidence become available or best practices are identified?
  5. What would be the best title for the text above?


Friday, September 21, 2007

Medical English Multimedia Course

English for Doctors
1. Visit to a surgery
2. About a problem
3. Tact

English for Nurses
1. New relationships
2. Introductions
3. Resources

English for Pharmacists
1. The Pharmacy
2. Reading exercises
3. Resources

English for the Medical Community/General Medical Staff
1. Surgery
2. Cartoons
3. Resources